Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology


Scoring System

Our system selects only the highest score and the shortest time. You must submit your answers before the deadline. Please review your answers carefully before submission. The person with the highest points and the shortest time will be ranked the highest. You can attempt the quiz multiple times, but no extra points will be awarded for replays.

Result Announcements

Each question has a time limit of 1 minute.

The highest scorer with the shortest time will rank higher.

Daily Winner

Results will be announced the following day at 12 noon.

Weekly Winner

Results will be announced every Monday at 12 noon.

Monthly Winner

Results will be announced on the 1st of each month at 12 noon.

Daily Rankings

Example: Son-seletedSiore:57pants30m

  • You can play unlimited times, but no extra points are awarded for replays.
  • Our system selects only the highest score and the shortest time.
  • Each quiz session consists of 20 questions.
  • Winners are announced daily at 12 noon.
  • In case of tied scores, the player with the shortest time will be ranked higher.

Weekly Rankings


Selected Score: 57 points 29min2s

Non-selected Score: 57 points 30min

  • You can play unlimited times, but no extra points are awarded for replays.
  • Our system selects the highest daily scores and the shortest time for the week.
  • Each quiz session consists of 20 questions.
  • Weekly winners are announced every Monday at 12 noon.

Monthly Rankings


Selected Score: 57 points 29min2s

Non-selected Score: 57 points 30min

  • You can play unlimited times, but no extra points are awarded for replays.
  • Our system selects the highest daily scores and the shortest time for the month, combined with weekly top scores.
  • Monthly winners are announced on the 1st of each month at 12 noon.
  • In case of tied scores, the player with the shortest time will be ranked higher.

Important Notes:

  • Winners must share the post with the website link publicly for 24 hours.
  • All users must have their profile pictures on SmartVey.
  • All users must join SmartVey's Telegram group.
  • Our team will contact winners via phone.
  • Ensure your contact information is accurate.
  • We maintain confidentiality for all user information.
  • Prizes will be transferred via local banks.
  • Users found cheating or hacking will be banned.

Prices: ( update later )

SmartVey reserves the right to modify the program without prior notice.